laws on the statute books' pages that will business which would afford one of their not stand a constitutional test. The policenumber a living? How many would conman has promised to support the constitutribute toward such a scheme? How much tion: he must not enforce an unconstitutional would they give? On the other hand, how law. (No, the officer is required to carry many are positioned to take such a job if it out the letter of the law regardless of constiwere created? tutionality. The Editors).
When a policeman enforces an unconstitutional law it is not the state that is responsible for the wrong done: the state can not do anything illegal. Anything illegal that is done is done on the responsibility, the personal responsibility, of some person. We who cherish our freedom should take steps to visit condign punishment upon such individuals.
Bad as the situation is, there is hope. You have many friends. Don't be too ready to assume that you are in a minority. Do you think you have any monopoly on ligence? Whatever you have learned that is true, other people may have learned the same lesson; and those who don't know the truth are usually eager to have it told them. Don't you believe for a minute that other logical questions long and intensive study. Don't be astonished if you find out that
One's friends are, in a way, the nation's best citizens, and they have, as salesmen other people have totted up the same column and missionaries say, a talking point. All of figures that has engaged your interest men eat, ultimately, from nature's bounty; and have come up with the same total that and despite man's every artifice (marshes' you got. reclamation, better husbandry, the seas' Your format sets my teeth on edge: I'm wealth's harvest, irrigation and all such), for thinner paper and less violent display. nature's bounty has limits. Every increase in But perhaps the fashionable blatancy has population adds a burden upon that evercome to stay. precarious bounty-and One's readers are characterized, one may safely presume, by their comparative refrainance from the population's undue increase. (Please include also One's heterosexual, childless readers. The Editors).
As a here-and-now proposal, as an example of the practical approach, how much could One's readers do toward financing a
In any case you have my every good wish: the subjects you touch upon are pertinent.
Bishop, Calif.
(While ONE has high ideals, it also would like to become solvent. The "blatant" issues sell better. There is an alternative however: it's described in this issue. Are you a member? The Editors).
There's more demand than supply on that controversial August issue. The few remaining copies are fifty cents. We suggest haste.